We created a fun printable workbook to help teach important lessons about money that you can work through together! 

Printable Workbook (PLUS the computer editable version) just $10.95 on this page only! 
($14 total value)

The Money Lessons Guidebook

What You'll Discover in The Workbook

  • Your children will develop an understanding for basic money identification, counting and currency knowledge so they can start to grasp what money is and how it works.
  • You can help prevent future emotional stress for your child around money with some of the exercises to help you teach the difference between wants and needs. This can be a stepping stone to discuss one of the most important lessons in money and life: deferred gratification. 
  • You will be able to start a discussion around the concept of price vs. value  and start to help them realize that money fits in differently to each person's life. This can be a springboard for helping them understand that money is a tool used to help them live the live they want. 

About the Workbook

The Money Lessons Guidebook
The Money Lessons Guidebook is fun and uplifting set of games and exercises for parents or grown ups with kids aged 6 to 12 years old who are trying to find a way to teach important money lessons. Even kids under 6 will love the illustrations and can grow into some of the money concepts.  

The book is immediately downloadable. It measures 36 pages and contains 19 games along with puzzles, connect the dots, and fun explanations to keep the kiddos entertained. We give you exercises and games to play at home, in the car (getting them off the screens!), and even when you are out shopping. Once your kiddo completes the workbook we will also send of a special Certificate of Completion they can show off to their friends! 

What People Are Saying

"We loved the graphics, and the fun games kept our kids engaged from beginning to end. We also loved the way it gave us something to do as a family to promote learning even when we were on the go!" 

- The Kitchen Family

"Our girls love the workbook and want to learn more now about money and how it works. We loved the extra puzzles and mazes in the book that kept them engaged and they now can understand us when we talk about things like a budget or ask them to help with finding the right value." 

- The Curtis Family 

"The book is simple and easy to follow. My kids were able to grasp the concepts and they absolutely loved the graphics! We are using this printable book as part of a foundation to go deeper into teaching them money lessons." 

- The Gianiny Family

A Sneak Peek Inside the Book

Get The Workbook

Instead of paying the full value of $14, get both versions of The Money Lessons Guidebook today for just $10.95 right now!

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