Empower Your Child To Understand Money From An Early Age

Instilling good money habits in your child will help them grow up and truly live the life they want.

Did you know that by age 7 children have already cemented their life long money habits? 

What you are teaching them or not teaching them at an early age about money can dramatically impact their lives as they grow up.

They know that money buys things, and they know that you’re the one who has it.

And you should know that how you answer their questions about money (your words, tone of voice, and facial expressions) will impact what they think and believe about money for the rest of their lives!

About what money is

About whether it’s “good” or “bad”

And about how much (or little) control a person has over it in their life

About what 
money is

About whether it’s 
“good” or “bad”

And about how much 
(or little) control a 
person has over it in 
their life

Fortunately, we have developed the perfect resource to give them a better financial future.

A resource that will build their confidence and understanding of money.

It is a course that will teach them that the amount of money a person has matters less than how they decide to use it to shape the life they want.

Imagine that you are able to empower your family to create a culture where money is talked about openly without having painful emotions attached to it!

As a parent of two young girls, I can’t wait to share this life changing resource with you today.


Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids

Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids is a 5-module online course that will teach you the core concepts about money and provide you with the necessary tools to introduce the most important money concepts to your child (Ages 6 to 10) so that they can develop a positive relationship with money, have a strong money mindset, reduce future emotional stress, and begin to build a healthy financial foundation that will last them for the rest of their lives. This course is reviewed and promoted by a child psychologist, so you can rest assured that it is suitable for your child. 

As part of Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids, you’ll receive:

Five Learning Modules

That will teach you the core concepts — and the language — to help your child learn about money in a way they can understand

16 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your life and parenting through activities and games you can do together with your child

Five Learning Modules

That will teach you the core concepts — and the language — to help your child learn about money in a way they can understand

16 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your life and parenting through activities and games you can do together with your child

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of

Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids…


Passing on Your Money Story
How Your History with Money Could Affect Your Child

We’ll kick off the course by exploring your history with money and how that may affect your child's relationship with money.

We’ll kick off the course by exploring your history with money and how that may affect your child's relationship with money.


What is the Point of Money and How Does it Fit into Your LIfe

In Module Two, we’ll discuss what money fundamentally is, what it represents, and how to coach your kids about money.
In Module Two, we’ll discuss what money fundamentally is, what it represents, and how to coach your kids about money.


Understanding How Money is Earned

In Module Three, we’ll explore the three main ways money is earned as well as the relationship between money and time.
In Module Three, we’ll explore the three main ways money is earned as well as the relationship between money and time.


Understanding How to Use Your Money Well

In Module Four, we’ll explore the key concepts of wants vs. needs, deferred gratification and help you teach your child to understand decisions around money better.
In Module Four, we’ll explore the critical concepts of wants vs. needs and deferred gratification. Then we will help you teach your child to understand decisions around money better.


Everything Wants Your Money - How to Identify Money Traps

In Module Five, we’ll discuss how to set your child up to make smart decisions with money and avoid many of the bad choices we all have made from time to time when it comes to money.
In Module Five, we’ll discuss how to set your child up to make intelligent decisions with money and avoid many of the bad choices we all have made from time to time when it comes to money.

Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids is already PACKED with value that will help you begin to create a strong and healthy financial foundation for your child, but when you join now, you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…


Our Top Rated Children's Book (E-Book)

Sadie Builds a Business is our top-rated children’s book featuring a fun story that aims to help parents or grown-ups teach their children important money lessons learned in this course. 


“Generosity and Appreciation”

In this bonus module, you’ll learn how to talk to your kids about generosity, appreciation, and gratitude around money. We’ll provide activities to help discuss how fortunate they are to live where they do and have all of the things they currently have — and how to be appreciative of it and grateful for it. 


The Money Lessons Guidebook

The Money Lessons Guidebook is a 36 page printable workbook that is filled with fun money games and exercises for kids to help them re-enforce what they learn during the course. 

Whew — that’s a lot of value!
Need a recap?

Here’s everything included in Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

We believe strongly in this course and in offering kids the best head start possible when it comes to understanding money. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. Just shoot us an email at support@gofuturefunders.com.
And we will complete the refund, no questions asked! 

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

We believe strongly in this course and in offering kids the best head start possible when it comes to understanding money. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. Just shoot us an email at support@gofuturefunders.com.
And we will complete the refund, no questions asked! 

Ready to help your child build a better financial future?

Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids

You’ll receive:

  • 5 recorded video modules
  • 16 tools
  • 3 value-packed bonuses

Normal Price


Special Offer Price For Today


  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout.
Payment processed through secure gateway networks

Frequently Asked Questions


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You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

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© Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids 2022
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