Help your child develop a great relationship with credit before they turn 18

We believe instilling good habits when it comes to things like credit cards is arguably one of life's most important lessons and can help prevent emotional stress for your child in the future. With the right approach to coaching your child can learn valuable financial habits around credit that many of us only wish we were taught as children.

Help your child develop a great relationship with credit before they turn 18

We believe instilling good habits when it comes to things like credit cards is arguably one of life's most important lessons and can help prevent emotional stress for your child in the future. With the right approach to coaching your child can learn valuable financial habits around credit that many of us only wish we were taught as children.

If you have a young child under 18 they definitely know what a credit card is...

If you have a young child under 18 they definitely know what a credit card is...

They’re frequently asking you to buy things or spending themselves but they likely were never taught the right behavior to handle credit.

They know that money buys things and they know that you’re the one who has it, but the concept of debt and emotional stress does not enter their mind.

And YOU know that how you answer their questions — and the overall way you approach the subject — or don’t - will have a large role in shaping their future financial and emotional stress.

About what credit is

About whether it’s “good” or “bad”

And about how to properly use it

About what 
credit is

About whether it’s 
“good” or “bad”

And about how to properly use it

The truth is that there aren’t a lot of great resources out there for parents of very young children that teaches them how to coach their kids to develop a healthy relationship with credit.

To make matters worse, money overall isn’t a topic that is adequately (if at all!) covered in school. And when it is covered, proposed solutions tend to be very one size fits all (i.e. “all debt is bad”) and not very tailored to your individual life or circumstance (which we believe it should be).

This lack of resources and education leaves so many people going through life with little to no financial foundation, developing unhealthy credit habits that lead not only to struggles with money but a mindset about credit that doesn’t allow them to thrive.
But the thing is: having a positive and healthy financial foundation is one of the most critical aspects of living a life that is rewarding, fun, and free…

...once we realize that UNDERSTANDING MONEY AND CREDIT IS A POWERFUL TOOL that we can use to help us live the life that we truly want for ourselves.

But before we can do any of that…
...we need to UNDERSTAND credit first.
We need to understand what credit actually is and how to make decisions properly with it.

We need to understand how credit agencies work, how to think responsibly about spending and saving

And we need to understand the ways that credit at an early age when managed responsibly can give your kids a leg up for the rest of their lives.

Most importantly we also need to develop the emotional foundation to feel comfortable around credit so that we can use it to our advantage if the situation calls for it.
The truth is that there aren’t a lot of great resources out there for parents or care takers of very young children that teaches them how to coach their kids to develop a healthy relationship with credit.

To make matters worse, money overall isn’t a topic that is adequately (if at all!) covered in school. And when it is covered, proposed solutions tend to be very one size fits all (i.e. “all debt is bad”) and not very tailored to your individual life or circumstance (which we believe it should be).

This lack of resources and education leaves so many people going through life with little to no financial foundation, developing unhealthy credit habits that lead not only to struggles with money but a mindset about credit that doesn’t allow them to thrive.
But the thing is: having a positive and healthy financial foundation is one of the most critical aspects of living a life that is rewarding, fun, and free…

...once we realize that UNDERSTANDING MONEY AND CREDIT IS A POWERFUL TOOL that we can use to help us live the life that we truly want for ourselves. 

But before we can do any of that…
...we need to UNDERSTAND credit first.
We need to understand what credit actually is and how to make decisions properly with it.

We need to understand how credit agencies work, how to think responsibly about spending and saving

And we need to understand the ways that credit at an early age when managed responsibly can give your kids a leg up for the rest of their lives.

Most importantly we also need to develop the emotional foundation to feel comfortable around credit so that we can use it to our advantage if the situation calls for it.

The good news is…
...there’s no better time to begin understanding credit and the potential it holds to help us create the life we want than when we’re very young.

The good news is…
...there’s no better time to begin understanding credit and the potential it holds to help us create the life we want than when we’re very young.

Hi, I’m Will Scott.

I am a finance expert that believes our education system lacks early intervention in teaching our kids how money works. I also believe that developing a foundation in financial literacy is a key to solving the widening inequality gap our country faces. Because I can’t sit around and wait for policy changes, bureaucrats and educational institutions to prioritize a solution to this problem, I decided to create Future Funders. The goal of this first course is to give parents (with kids ages 3-7) the power to instill these values in their children NOW. 

I grew up in New York City and had the privilege of attending some of the best educational institutions on the planet including Cornell University, the University of Louisville (where I played basketball and was able to sneak in my MBA) and the University of Oxford. 

I have traveled around the globe living in Europe and Asia. I have worked at some of the most recognizable financial institutions starting my career in Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs and moving on to the asset management side of finance managing money for some of the largest investment firms in the world. In addition to money management, I also currently coach new hires at my current firm on the ins and outs of investing. But my most important title thus far? That would be Daddy to our one year old girl, Scarlett.

My feelings about money are less emotional. I grew up very fortunate with parents who were successful doctors, both of humble backgrounds and worked very hard to give me great opportunities. 

However, most of what I learned about how to manage money and use it as a tool — and most importantly, how to plan for the life you want to live — came from my career in finance. While I admittedly grew up with less stress around money, I still had a lack of knowledge on how it works prior to specializing in finance after college.
My wife, Danielle, has a much more emotional relationship with money. Growing up she had more ups and downs financially, and when her own family became deeply impacted by what we now call the Great Recession of 2008, she was left with piles of student loan debt upon graduation and a paralyzing realization that her parents, her top notch education, and very expensive degree did not provide her the foundational tools to help overcome the fears she developed to properly navigate herself through her first financial challenge as an adult.

Now that we have a daughter of our own, it's more evident to me than ever how important it will be to teach her the fundamental lessons that neither my wife nor I learned despite our different ways of growing up. Looking around at society today and seeing the broader issues of income inequality, lack of financial literacy teaching in schools, high student debt for so many, -- and most importantly, a massive disconnect between how to fund the life you want to live -- we, like all parents, want to do better for our kids. 
This "mini" course follows our inaugural course Nurturing Financially Mindful Kids, and is a way to help parents coach the important subject of credit. It is a starting point, with principles that can be expanded upon as we all continue to learn together through our community.

I will be the first to admit I don’t have all the answers because as most parents know, every kid is different — that same principle rings true to everyone’s financial situation; there is no cookie cutter way to do it. And while most finance experts give you hard “rules” to follow, you won’t be hearing those from me because only YOU know your child, and only YOU know your financial habits and how best to use them to shape the life you want.

What I do know is that having a positive financial foundation and knowledge about credit can change the direction and quality of your child’s life — and it’s not as complicated to teach as it may seem. You don’t need to work at a Hedge Fund, you don’t need to understand complex financial principles — and you don’t need to be a finance expert in order to teach your kids about money.

All you need is an awareness of core concepts about credit and a commitment to learn and grow, and you’ve got everything you need to help your child build a healthy relationship that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

Ready to learn how?


Raising Credit Conscious Kids

Raising Credit Conscious Kids is a 2-module online course that will teach you the core concepts about credit to introduce to your under 18 child so that they can develop a positive relationship with credit as well as start to build a solid credit score. 


Raising Credit Conscious Kids

Raising Credit Conscious Kids is a 2-module online course that will teach you the core concepts about credit to introduce to your under 18 child so that they can develop a positive relationship with credit as well as start to build a solid credit score. 

As part of Raising Credit Conscious Kids, you’ll receive:

Two Learning Modules

That will teach you the core concepts — and the language — to help your child learn about credit in a way they can understand

4 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your life and parenting through activities and games you can do together with your child

Two Learning Modules

That will teach you the core concepts — and the language — to help your child learn about credit in a way they can understand

4 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course and implement it into your life and parenting through activities and games you can do together with your child

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of

Raising Credit Conscious Kids…

Module # 1

Building The Foundation

Module 1 will cover modeling the behavior at home through first explaining the important concepts of what things like credit and a credit score are. We will give you ways in the first downloadable tool for breaking down some of these concepts to your kid so they can understand. Next we will aim to start building responsible behavior at home through tool number two. In the second downloadable tool we have suggested and printable games and activities that will put into practice lessons learned around credit and prepare your kid for handling it in the real world. 

Module #2

Bringing Into The Real World

In Module 2 we will build upon the behavior learned at home through knowledge building and behavioral exercises by bringing lessons learned into the real world. We will first explore several options around bank accounts and debit cards to dip your kid's toe in the water. Then we will give you tangible ways to introduce them to credit and actually help build their credit score before they turn 18.

Raising Credit Conscious Kids is already PACKED with value that will help you begin to create a strong and healthy foundation for your child, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…


Access To Engage With Us

You’ll become part of our Future Funders Family where you can ask us questions as you move through the course and we all learn together.


Course Completion Certificate And Access To All Future Funders Content Sent Directly to Your Inbox

You will earn a completion certificate upon finishing the course you can share on social media as well as be kept up to date with all the latest content we release to help learn important money concepts and continue to teach them to your child

Raising Credit Conscious Kids is already PACKED with value that will help you begin to create a strong and healthy foundation for your child, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…


Access to engage with us 

You’ll become part of our Future Funders Family where you can ask us questions as you move through the course and we all learn together.


Course Completion Certificate And Access To All Future Funders Content Sent Directly to Your Inbox

You will earn a completion certificate upon finishing the course you can share on social media as well as be kept up to date with all the latest content we release to help learn important money concepts and continue to teach them to your child

Ready to help your child develop a strong relationship with credit that can reduce emotional stress for the rest of their lives?

Your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!

Raising Credit Conscious Kids

You’ll receive:

  • 2 recorded video modules, delivered immediately
  • 4 tools
  • 2 value-packed bonuses



  • 100% Safe and Secure Checkout.
Payment processed through secure gateway networks

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and start helping your child understand the core concepts about money and how to build a strong financial foundation early on in life. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and start helping your child understand the core concepts about money and how to build a strong financial foundation early on in life. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions


Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

Imagine how empowering it will be for your child to have a positive and healthy relationship with credit right from the start?

  • To have a firm understanding about the role — and potential — that credit has in their and in the future…
  • To be able to avoid common pitfalls and negative consequences around overspending, failing to save, or not recognizing the pitfalls of credit…
  • And to feel confident and inspired to talk about credit as the powerful tool that it is — one that can open up so many options for our lives and make life rewarding, fun, and free.
If you want to make sure that your child is building a rock-solid foundation for a great, proactive, and prosperous financial future…

...then Raising Credit Conscious Kids was designed to show you how.

Imagine how empowering it will be for your child to reduce future stress and have a healthy relationship with credit right from the start?

  • To have a firm understanding about the role — and potential — that credit has in their and in the future…
  • To be able to avoid common pitfalls and negative consequences around overspending, failing to save, or not recognizing the pitfalls of credit…
  • And to feel confident and inspired to talk about credit as the powerful tool that it is — one that can open up so many options for our lives and make life rewarding, fun, and free.
If you want to make sure that your child is building a rock-solid foundation for a great, proactive, and prosperous financial future…

...then Raising Credit Conscious Kids was designed to show you how.
© Raising Credit Conscious Kids 2022
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© Raising Credit Conscious Kids 2022
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