Sadie Builds a Business is a fun and uplifting tale for parents or grown ups with kids aged 6 to 12 years old who are trying to find a way to teach important money lessons. Even kids under 6 will love the illustrations and can grow into some of the money concepts!

Special Offer - Hardcover book + E Book + Audio Book just $13.95 (includes shipping) on this page only! 
($35 total value)

Sadie Builds a Business book

What You'll Discover in The Book

  • Your children will develop an appreciation for basic money principles like saving, investing, and planning so they can establish good habits early on for them to carry with them through the years into adulthood.
  • You can help prevent future emotional stress for your child around money with a simple way to  teach the difference between wants and needs as well as starting to discuss one of the most important lessons in money and life: deferred gratification. 
  • You will be able to start a discussion around different paths to earn money as the book will introduce your kids to entrepreneurship (or what we at Future Funders like to call Skills For Self-Empowerment), one of the three main ways to consistently earn money.

What People Are Saying

"We loved the illustrations, and the story does a wonderful job weaving lessons into a compelling narrative. We read it almost every night to our boys!" 

- The Kitchen Family

"Our girls can't put the book down! They love the story and want to be just like Sadie. We love the hardcover version too because its durable and lasts much longer than our other paperback kids books." 

- The Curtis Family 

"The story is clever and easy to follow. My kids were able to grasp the concepts and they absolutely loved the illustrations! We are using this book as part of a foundation to go deeper into teaching them money lessons." 

- The Gianiny Family

A Sneak Peek at the Illustrations

Special Offer - The Hardcover Book + E Book + Audio Book

Instead of paying the retail price of $35 elsewhere, get "Sadie Builds a Business" today in all three formats for just $13.95 right now!

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